Macroeconomia I (PPGECO0899) 2024.1
Stiglitz 2018 Where Modern Macroeconomics Went Wrong?
Chalenges for Central Bank´s Macro Models
The Financial Crisis and DSGE Models
Samuelson (1958) modelo OLG com moeda
Diamond (1965) Modelo OLG
Lucas (1986) Adaptive Behaviour and Economic Theory
Primeira lista de exercícios (Data de Entrega: 28/05/2024)
Calendário de reposição de aulas e datas das provas
Romer (2016) The Trouble with Macroeconomics
Prova 1 (Data de Entrega: 16/07/2024)
Akerlof et al 1996 The macroeconomics of low inflation
Akerlof et al 1996 The macroeconomics of low inflation